Quick, easy-to-digest, and reliable information at your fingertips. This section has selected resources designed to give you the information you need without wading through complexities.
To help customers like yourself make fast yet informed decisions, Layfield’s experts have curated resources to help you navigate the flexible packaging market.
Be confident and shop smart with Layfield.

Video Hub
Master the art of packaging design and understand the importance of plastic sustainability through our informative videos. Stay updated with industry trends and make enlightened decisions for your packaging needs. Embrace this learning opportunity to enhance your product's appeal!

Knowledge Center
Explore Layfield's Knowledge Center. Dive into technical articles, case studies, latest news, product updates, and global projects. Your single source for understanding various flexible films and food, industrial, medical, and pet-care packaging in North America.

News & Events
Stay informed with Layfield Flexible Films’ News and Events page! Here, you'll find updates on our latest products, industry insights, and upcoming events. Check back regularly to stay connected with our innovations in flexible packaging!