Dane Figliola
1 year and 5 months
Customer Experience/Logistics Manager, US
Q: Can you tell us about your current role and responsibilities and how long you’ve been working at Layfield?
At Layfield, I have the exciting role of Customer Experience and Logistics Manager. I’ve been here for a year and a half and have learned so much. This role is exciting because I am responsible for nurturing an order from start to finish. On the Customer Experience side, I manage a great team, and we interact with customers, support sales, and oversee an order or project from the ground up. After our Customer Experience team creates, schedules, and monitors the order, it passes to my Logistics Department, where our dedicated team ensures the product reaches the final destination for the customer. I enjoy my role and responsibilities because they allow me to be very involved in each and every step of the order or project our company does and I feel I can make a difference.
Q: What do you like about our company culture?
What I like about Layfield’s company culture is that everyone is here to help and be a team player. I have always enjoyed working in a team setting, and being part of Team Layfield has made coming to work fun. I always feel I have the support I need to grow.
Q: What do you love most about working in the geosynthetics industry?
I love working in the geosynthetics industry because it is unique and unlike anything else I have experienced. Each day, I find myself learning something new and I feel there are so many applications to geosynthetics that it always is something different.
Q: What unique skills or perspectives do you bring to the role that contributes to the success of your team?
The unique skills or perspectives I contribute to the role and success of my teams is that I enjoy being a part of the process, not just delegating. I strive to lead by example, putting in the work and supporting the success of my departments. I understand each of my team members’ roles and have performed these jobs myself, so I have a deep understanding of their perspectives and tried to lead with that in mind. I always like a team atmosphere, so it is important that my departments share this attitude and work well together.
Q: Outside of your professional life, what are some of your favorite hobbies or activities?
Outside of Layfield, some of my favorite hobbies and activities are, of course, Hockey, which I play a couple of times a week. If I am not on the ice, I will either be at the beach surfing or at my cabin in Lake Arrowhead fishing, spending time with friends and family!
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