Reduce Your Risk Of a leak With GCLs, Your Sustainable Solution To Compact Clay Liners
Bentogard® Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) are needle-punched reinforced composites that combine geotextile outer layers with a low permeability sodium bentonite clay core. Often used as a replacement for compacted clay liners, these composites use sodium bentonite, a natural sealant that swells and seals on contact with water.
Upon hydration, bentonite swells to form a low-permeability clay liner with a hydraulic conductivity of less than 5 x 10-9 cm/sec. As a result, GCLs can provide approximately the same hydraulic protection of up to one meter of compacted clay. Due to their self-sealing attributes, the risk of failure due to field and operating conditions is significantly reduced. Layfield’s BentoGard is designed to meet the demands of any project.
What Are The Advantages Of Using BentoGard®?
Enhanced Level of Containment
Due to the products self-healing nature, BentoGard® liners are often used in conjunction with a plastic liner to provide a second line of defense against a potential leak.
Wide Range of Applications
We can enhance the clay layer of our BentoGard products with polymer for applications demanding a higher level of performance.
Needle-Punched to Add Shear Strength
Making the product more durable against installation and settlement stresses without significantly impacting its hydraulic performance.
Additional Features
- Delivers a thin layer of high-quality bentonite
- Simple overlap seam installation
- Self-healing and self-seaming
- Reduced carbon footprint compared to compacted clay liners
BentoGard® is a good choice as one of the components of a composite liner system in landfills, as it minimizes the migration of contaminants and can act as a secondary liner.
The unique self-sealing system reduces the risk of puncture or leakage failure in potable water containment or in lightly contaminated water containment applications.
When placed with a geomembrane under a heap leach page, you can prevent the loss of contaminants while protecting the groundwater.
Product Details
BentoGard® is a geosynthetic clay liner that combines geotextile outer layers with a low permeability sodium bentonite clay core, used as a replacement for compact clay liners.
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